Amden (talwärts Richtung Walensee) 

Amden (St. Gallen) - Video di Claudio Biesele, prenotato su Wed 23 September 2020
Categoria: Luonghi - Gruppo: Tourenfahrer

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Descrizione: Location: Downhill cornering between Arvenbüel/Amden and Walensee
Direction: Arvenbüel/Amden - Walensee
Degree of difficulty: mainly good tarmac, sometimes a litte bit bumpy, almost all in town corners, 50 km/h max. speed
View: In Amden and above the view over the Walensee region is incredible. Visit the Historic Stepped Chappeli-Port which was used as steep trail up to Amden until 1882 (pay attention to a sharp return before or after the place shield of Amden). Also interesting: The Catholic Church of St. Gallus can be traced back to the 13th century.
Veicolo: Peugeot Elyséo 125
Macchina fotografica: Gembird ACAM-003 Impostazioni: Belichtungszeit: Keine Information - Blende: Keine Information - ISO: Keine Information


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