
Avers-Juf (Graubünden) - Vidéo de Claudio Biesele, réservé sur Wed 23 September 2020
Catégorie: Lieux - Groupe: Tourenfahrer

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Description: Location: Downhill from Avers-Juf to Andeer
Direction: Juf - Andeer
Degree of difficulty: Easy, mainly good tarmac, sometimes bumpy, sometimes very bumpy, good corner combinations, almost no traffic, road work
. View: Great view along the Avers Rhine over the Valley Bergalga and on the Septimer Pass at the end of the valley, where Juf lies in a barren mountain world at 2,126 meters above sea level. The Avers region is marmot land. If you really want to see marmots, use the marmot trail from Loretschhus (Avers-Juppa) or try it on your own: In the most beautiful sunshine, the furry winter sleepers often hold a siesta between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Ideally, the animals should be observed sooner or later.
Véhicule: Peugeot Elyséo 125
Appareil photo: Gembird ACAM-003 Paramétres: Belichtungszeit: Keine Information - Blende: Keine Information - ISO: Keine Information


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