Splügenpass (Passhöhe Richtung Splügen) 

Splügenpass (Graubünden) - Video di Claudio Biesele, prenotato su Sun 27 September 2020
Categoria: Azione - Gruppo: Tourenfahrer

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Descrizione: Location: Downhill cornering between Splügenpass and Splügen
Direction: Splügenpass - Splügen
Degree of difficulty: a lot of narrow corners, good tarmac on the bottom, bumpy tarmac on the top, roadworks, 11% gradient
View: After passing the old customs house you look over the serpentine with 15 corners, the Splügen gallery was built 1846
Veicolo: Peugeot Elyséo 125
Macchina fotografica: Gembird ACAM-003 Impostazioni: Belichtungszeit: Keine Information - Blende: Keine Information - ISO: Keine Information


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