Dischmatal: Davos Richtung Dürrboden 

Dischma (Graubünden) - Video di Claudio Biesele, prenotato su Tue 13 July 2021
Categoria: Azione - Gruppo: Tourenfahrer

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Descrizione: Location: A ride to the Alp Dürrboden using the Dischmastrasse in Davos
Direction: Davos - Dürrboden
Degree of difficulty: easy, mainly good tarmac, not to bumpy, narrow road with coaches using the alpine horn, take care about hikers, bikers, little traffic
View: Take the road cross in Davos over the railyway direction Dischmastrasse and after a few minutes you reach the Dischma Valley with its alpine beauty, cows, calfs and horses. Make a stop at the Restaurant Teufi, where among other things a horse-drawn carriage service is waiting for you. Tip: horse fans in particular can have great fun in the summer.

Veicolo: SYM GTS 300i
Macchina fotografica: Gembird ACAM-003 Impostazioni: Belichtungszeit: Keine Information - Blende: Keine Information - ISO: Keine Information


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