Umbrail - Santa Maria (GR) 

Umbrailpass (Graubünden) - Video di Claudio Biesele, prenotato su Mon 11 July 2022
Categoria: Azione - Gruppo: Tourenfahrer

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Descrizione: Location: Riding downhill from Umbrail to Santa Maria (GR)
Direction: Umbrail - Santa Maria (GR)
Degree of difficulty: medium, road with some bumps (upper part more, lower part less), good grip, not too much traffic, a lot of hairpin bends. Highly recommended!
View: The crossing over the Umbrail on 2,501 metres between Santa Maria and Bormio already existed in the Middle Ages. But he was competed by a 300m deeper and also safer path through the Val Vau and the Valle di Fraele. From the end of the 15th century, the Umbrail was increasingly frequented by Austrian delegations to Rome and even by the troops of Emperor Maximilian I. Since 2006 Sta. Maria also has the smallest bar in the world with the name "Smallest Whiskey Bar on Earth", replacing a bar in Colorado Springs/USA. The bar offers well over 200 international types of whiskey on just 8.53 m², and a whiskey museum has been added. Source Wikipedia
Veicolo: SYM GTS 300i
Macchina fotografica: Gembird ACAM-003 Impostazioni: Belichtungszeit: Keine Information - Blende: Keine Information - ISO: Keine Information


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