Riding from Tiefencastel to Wiesen (Davos) 

Tiefencastel (Graubünden) - Video von Claudio Biesele, gebucht am Tue 19 July 2022
Kategorie: Aktion - Gruppe: Rollerfahrer

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Beschreibung: Location: Riding from Tiefencastel to Wiesen (Davos) Direction: Tiefencastel - Davos Wiesen
Degree of difficulty: easy, varied sequence of curves, very well paved, during the week only local traffic
View: Between Tiefencastel and Davos you will find Wiesen, which is also famous for the Wiesener Viaduct. It is the highest bridge of the RhB (88.9 m high and 210 m long). Also well known is the Wiesen village museum, which is in a historic house with a farmhouse parlour, room, kitchen and weaving room from the 19th century. accommodated. You will also pass Schmitten, an interesting village, which presents a old lime kiln near a bus station. The old lime kiln "Rezabrinnali" was restored in the summer of 2007 by a group of committed men from Schmitten. More information about the lime kiln can be found in the local museum. Source Wikipedia
Fahrzeug: SYM GTS 300i
Kamera: Gembird ACAM-003 Einstellungen: Belichtungszeit: Keine Information - Blende: Keine Information - ISO: Keine Information


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