Riding uphill from Cumpadials (GR) to Val Sumvitg (GR) 

Val Sumvitg (Graubünden) - Vidéo de Claudio Biesele, réservé sur Tue 06 September 2022
Catégorie: Action - Groupe: Rollerfahrer

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Description: Location: Riding from Cumpadials to Val Sumvitg
Direction: Cumpadials - Val Sumvitg
Degree of difficulty: medium, small paved road with lots of bumps, not much traffic, one tunnel, pay toll for some off road riding
View: The Val Sumvitg is a right side valley of the Vorderrheintal in the Surselva of Graubünden. The V-shaped valley extends over a length of around 10 km from a depression in the terrain between the Piz Miezdi and the Piz Tgietschen down to Surrein. The highest point of the valley is 2000 meters high. A attraction is the now closed Kurbad Tenigerbad, which was first mentioned in 1580. The Val Sumvitg is accessible via a narrow road, it leads through the 630 m long Barschaus tunnel. Further attractions: The suspension bridge, which is a gift from the Candinas SA company to hikers and visitors and the Restaurant 'Ustria Val', the only accommodation in the valley. Sources Wikipedia, Surselva Info and Restaurant Ustria Val Sumvitg
Véhicule: SYM GTS 300i
Appareil photo: Gembird ACAM-003 Paramétres: Belichtungszeit: Keine Information - Blende: Keine Information - ISO: Keine Information


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